Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Universal Design for Learning Resources Research Paper
Widespread Design for Learning Resources - Research Paper Example à Moreover, they help understudies in mapping out ideas outwardly. They are visual guides for guidance and learning. The realistic coordinators help understudies to effectively take part in their learning procedure. They assist understudies with discovering new data and make interfaces that they didn't have the foggiest idea or consider beforehand. Then again, realistic coordinators license understudies to outwardly sort out thoughts, ideas, considerations, sentiments, and information. Choosing the appropriate realistic coordinator depends on the sort of components that require arranging and dissecting. Subsequent to finishing the association procedure, grasping multifaceted dynamic, thoughts and taking care of issue turns out to be less troublesome. Realistic coordinators can be acquired through web based shopping at books store. An individual needs to have an extraordinary choice of the accessible realistic coordinators at the book shop to make sure about them. A case of realistic coordinators incorporates K-W-L diagram that is partitioned into three segments in particular K, W and L. The K-W-L diagram is used to list what the understudies beforehand perceive, what they want to be familiar with and what they realized at the perfection of the unit. It actuates the understudies' past information and makes them think regarding the matter and what they might want to know. It grants understudies to facilitate the data they are learning and make them included and ingested in the unit. Further, it assists understudies with arranging their feelings and learning and helps educators to give guidance during the unit. Ã
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Telnex technological change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Telnex innovative change - Essay Example Them two carry with themselves a ton of expert and administrative experience yet are new to the working of Telnex. We see that however the Board individuals, and the staff somewhat, are committal to changes proposed by John Eton and David Harrow, there is a uninvolved stewing protection from change. Since both the undertaking chiefs are new contestants, an impression appears to have gone down in the lower the board and that John Eton and David Harrow are exclusively liable for pushing a time of progress, removal, expanding work trouble, diminishing of opportunity and loss of employments at Telnex. The requirement for corporate change and a makeover isn't invention of creative mind of the Board, Genfirst or David and John. It is a direness gotten by changing business sector powers that have worldwide consequences. The workforce should be advised of the way that change is vital if Telnex needs to endure, the new time rivalry and getting ceaselessly receptive to showcase needs. As opposed to taking the onus of progress on themselves both the chiefs need to roll out the improvement, a piece of the organization work culture. Telnex needs to cut cost, become innovation adroit, increment item extend, convey better client care and administration, and more incentive for cash on the off chance that it needs to endure the surge of new players in the market. Telnex Ltd is a shopper solid assembling organization attempting to shape itself to changing business sector needs. The very recruiting of Genfirstââ¬a consultancy organization talks about the need to change being felt by the administration. On the off chance that Genfirst has distinguished two regions of expansion, the upsides and downsides of the thought ought to be weighed together by inner advisory groups and subcommittees of the association. David Harrow and John Eton the task supervisors should seat these boards of trustees. Choices taken by councils ought to be put before Board for endorsement. Compromise between
Friday, August 21, 2020
Weakness and Real Earnings Management â⬠Free Samples to Students
Question: Examine about the Weakness and Real Earnings Management. Answer: Presentation: The present report expects to talk about the shortcoming in the inner control methods of income cycle in Strings Private Limited. Strings Private Limited is a private Australian venture, which is engaged with assembling instruments and parts required for their fix. Alongside this, the impacts of such shortcomings on the association have been assessed and in like manner, specific interior controls would be defined so as to take out such shortcomings. The last portion of the report focuses on utilizing frameworks improvement lifecycle for recognizing five lacks in Queensland Health Payroll System. Consequently, suggestions have been made for conquering such inadequacies in future activities. In view of the gave contextual investigation, it could be distinguished that the fundamental inside control shortcomings in Strings Revenue Cycle involve the accompanying: As saw for the situation study, 17% of the deals made on layaway in the previous year must be discounted as uncollectible, since the clients denied requesting or accepting product. The issue in deals branch of the association is that there is nonappearance of any credit check to pick up bits of knowledge about the client believability. This is critical in creating benefit for the association (Sun, 2016). Another issue related with the income pattern of Strings Private Limited is that the distribution center staff uses the logbook for refreshing the stock records. This suggests the distribution center agent approaches stock and the individual could refresh the stock record too, which may be off base (Jacoby et al., 2017). The contextual investigation expresses that the association has encountered increment in the general volume of deals this year, which have lead to huge number of blunders. This is on the grounds that off-base things are conveyed to the clients (Newton et al., 2015). Transportation delays are seen also, since the things thought to be available couldn't be found in the stockroom. Alongside this, there is nonattendance of physical tally of stock in the course of recent years, despite the fact that there is upkeep of interminable stock framework. Therefore at the hour of submitting the business request, there is vulnerability identified with exchange subtleties, which could be liable to change (Feng et al., 2014). Potential impacts of the distinguished shortcomings on the association: The potential impacts of the distinguished shortcomings on Strings Private Limited comprise of the accompanying: With the assistance of credit check, it is conceivable to acquire a fast understanding of the money related situation of the clients. In any case, this should be utilized once in a while for checking the credit circumstance of the clients without negative impact on their FICO assessments (Yu, Zhang Zheng, 2016). As Strings Private Limited couldn't recoup 17.5% of the credit deals from the clients, it would bring about minimisation of the general benefit produced. Consequently, this may diminish the profit payout to the investors and accessibility of working capital. As the distribution center assistant is associated with refreshing the stock record, it could prompt the opportunity of taking stock things alongside concealing the danger. For example, the distribution center staff could take stock from Strings Private Limited and it would not be recognized until some other individual changes the stock records for covering the shortage. With the expanding number of requests, it has gotten hard for Strings Private Limited to deal with all the requests in an opportune way. Since wrong things are conveyed to the clients, the association needs to bring about extra sum in transportation. Accordingly, this has direct effect on the productivity of the association because of the ascent in general costs. What's more, the postponed conveyance would make negative impact on the psyches of the clients and they may move to the contenders to look for opportune conveyance of the things requested. Explicit inward controls to be executed for relieving the dangers distinguished: The inward controls that could be executed so as to relieve the recognized dangers establish of the accompanying: The credit strategy of the association should be assessed month to month to distinguish those clients not paying inside the specified time (Amoah et al., 2017). Likewise, it could put a few clients to make installments on money in particular, in the event that they make delay in installments reliably. Despite the fact that it may bring about loss of deals to a limited degree, it is better than staying unpaid for the things conveyed. The guardianship of stockroom stock should be isolated from recordkeeping for stock with respect to the stock control division for limiting the inconsistent capacities. The stock records should be refreshed consistently for the substitution of the conveyed items (Cheng, Goh Kim, 2017). Also, the distribution center should be set up in a way for dispatching items to the separate goals. This could be started by masterminding the most well known items, which would be trailed by the items having less fame. Five lacks in Queensland Health Payroll System Project and proposals to defeat these inadequacies in future ventures: The five inadequacies distinguished in Queensland Health Payroll System Project are portrayed as follows: Finance and certain tests have been done in equal in different time plans and the association has acknowledged inborn hazard without testing the functionalities. The biggest factor is the mechanical multifaceted nature, as the Australian medicinal services division needs different procedures and security to the patients alongside the huge modern size. Lack has been seen in the usage task of big business asset arranging in figuring compelling measure of nexus among customers, seller and expert (Philip, 2015). The absence of correspondence had been one of the significant downsides keeping the association behind from fruitful usage of finance venture. The IBM group associated with frameworks improvement life cycle (SDLC) was not seen as successful to complete its activity jobs and duties. The above-expressed inadequacies could be outlined with the assistance of SDLC system. SDLC structure gives a grouping of exercises to the framework creators and engineers (Thite Sandhu, 2014). The important periods of this structure with regards to the task are portrayed quickly as follows: This is the underlying advance of the structure, which implies the data and cost related with the framework (Kerzner, 2017).The wellbeing finance venture of the association had experienced ineffectual taking care of and expanded multifaceted nature in the IS framework. Queensland Health is associated with enormous modern part, which is identified with different wellbeing organizations. The association was utilizing convoluted applied plan for getting data that should be revised in opportune way. As recognized above, Queensland Health has low degree of reasonable structure because of correspondence issue and framework process. Hereafter, for overhauling the SDL structure, it is important for the association to adjust its physical plan in a powerful style (Church, Schmidt Smedley, 2017). Change and usage: For better advancement of the frameworks improvement lifecycle, Queensland Health needs to make establishment of the accompanying changes: The utilization of choice emotionally supportive network in the association at the time the contentions and issues coming into notice are not organized The business official, framework clients and procedure staffs need to work in mix for discovering new working procedures alongside wiping out issues in the gave zones Making bifurcating technique for characterizing data and information to the separate people efficiently (Rock-Evans, 2014) Proposals for conquering the distinguished lacks: So as to dodge the recognized insufficiencies in future tasks, Queensland Health needs to lead the accompanying: Advancement of new programming and equipment in the SDLC program of the association Pivoting the staffs in the process framework or enrolling skillful staffs Change of methodology identified with testing Finishing the framework documentation For defining the new successful SDLC system of Queensland Health, viable arranging is required to be made for amending the current inadequacies in the business forms. Moreover, the expense of the new undertaking should be anticipated alongside discovering whether the proposed framework would be financially savvy for the association. So as to gauge cost-adequacy, the procedures of venture examination like net present worth, recompense period and inside pace of return could be utilized for investigating the procedure cost. End: As indicated by the assessment of the primary fragment, it has been discovered that the principle inner control shortcomings of Strings Private Limited incorporate nonattendance of credit check, access to stock alongside postponed conveyance and transportation mistakes. For managing these issues, refreshing the stock records, isolation of record-saving for stock and fixed credit arrangement are fundamental. In the subsequent portion, certain insufficiencies have been recognized in Queensland Health Payroll System Project. These incorporate acknowledgment of intrinsic hazard, modern complexities, absence of correspondence, IS execution issue and incapability of IBM group. For limiting these insufficiencies, the expense of the new task should be anticipated alongside discovering whether the proposed framework would be savvy for the association. References: Amoah, N. Y., Anderson, A., Bonaparte, I., Tang, A. P. (2017). Interior Control Material Weakness and Real Earnings Management. InParables, Myths and Risks(pp. 1-21). Emerald Publishing Limited. Cheng, Q., Goh, B. W., Kim, J. B. (2017). Interior control and operational effic
Monday, August 17, 2020
Argumentative Essay Topics on the Internet
Argumentative Essay Topics on the InternetArgumentative essay topics on the Internet are very popular, but it can be challenging to find a topic that will interest both you and your reader. You should always be aware of the marketability of your topic and make sure that you have a reasonable expectation of your reader's interest and background before you write your essay.The difficulty with writing essay topics on the Internet is that it is a difficult choice to make as to what to write about. Most topics are going to be based around a specific type of internet search, so be careful about choosing the topic. Look for something that you would like to write about, and then write an essay on that topic.There are many reasons why you may be interested in essay topics on the Internet. For example, writing an essay on the internet can be an extremely good way to earn some extra cash while working from home. It can also be useful for teaching college students how to go about completing assi gnments on their own computers, or even for business professionals who are running small online businesses.Argumentative essay topics on the Internet are also perfect for business people who want to learn how to use these programs to help them make more money. When you consider that these programs are actually very similar to search engines, you can quickly see that they can be incredibly valuable tools for those in the business world. Although the searches are all done on the Internet, it is not easy to find a topic that makes your essay a hit among readers who are familiar with the basics of Internet searches.Argumentative essay topics on the Internet are also a great way to learn the skills necessary to be successful on the Internet. It is also important to remember that no matter how good your essay is, readers will not care about how smart you are if you do not show your readers how to use your essay. You must take advantage of every opportunity that you can to teach your reade rs how to do this. If you can find a way to connect to your readers, you will get a very large number of responses, which will not only make your essay popular, but also very profitable.Argumentative essay topics on the Internet can also be used by professionals who have already mastered Internet searches and are now using their knowledge to earn money. By teaching others how to use the skills that they have already developed, you can put their talents to good use. You should always keep in mind that the use of your expertise is going to involve some time and effort on your part. This is something that you should be willing to work for, because the longer you spend learning how to do this, the better off you will be.Argumentative essay topics on the Internet are also a great way to gain valuable experience while you are still relatively new to the world of writing. Since these essays are written from a point of view that is different from the viewpoint of the reader, it is always wo rthwhile to keep your mind open. As your skills improve, you will be able to move beyond the initial point of view that you had in mind.Argumentative essay topics on the Internet are very popular and can also be very profitable if you understand how to use them effectively. Keep in mind that it is a mistake to try to write a topic that you know nothing about. If you are looking for a place to learn about certain subjects, it is always important to focus on things that you are passionate about.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Creative Persuasive Essay Topics: the Ultimate Convenience!
<h1> Creative Persuasive Essay Topics: the Ultimate Convenience! </h1> <p>Remember your last grade essentially is dependent upon the point. Each American ought to figure out how to communicate in Spanish. He ought to figure out how to communicate in English. </p> <p>The same as a factious exposition, an enticing paper requests a sufficient measure of skill and information on a specific field. By and large, you can see that composing a convincing paper isn't a cerebrum medical procedure. The choice of thoroughly analyze paper subjects is certifiably not a straightforward assignment since you need to plainly show your scientific abilities. The estimation of exploration in influential composing can't be exaggerated. </p> <h2> Creative Persuasive Essay Topics for Dummies </h2> <p>Normally, having three key contentions to exhibit your point is adequate for a persuading paper. When you choose this issue and pick the situation on which y ou will base your paper, the rest of the activity would then be able to start. When composing a powerful exposition, the most fundamental interesting point is the assortment of the subject. There are a ton of captivating themes that could be become a convincing exposition in the event that you accept the open door to consider doing it. </p> <p>For understudies, in case you're new to a pugnacious exposition, remember they are composed to persuade perusers about a particular concentration or perspective. Moreover, you can catch peruser consideration with the guide of amusing exposition subjects. The peruser should agree with the writer's stance by the end of the perusing. Try not to disregard to bring a solid snare toward the start (presentation passage) and end up with an amazing end to make the peruser need to go over the fascinating influential exposition subjects of your pick. </p> <h2>Most Noticeable Creative Persuasive Essay Topics </h2> <p>There are a few influential article points to pick from to complete your secondary school or school task. On the other side, some contend that the cost of school leaves understudies with devastating obligation they'll never be able to reimburse. Ordinarily, understudies think that its confused to settle on a right theme. In such a situation, an under study is expected to choose a perfect subject to expound on. </p> <p>It is critical to have an idea about the basic role of the point which you're going to work. Clearly, you shouldn't deliberately pick a subject that will exhaust your crowd. Investigate your crowd to see whether they'd for the most part consent to your own points of view on this issue, contradict the ideas or remain nonpartisan. The crowd must be persuaded by methods for a contention or application.</p> <p>One-of-a-sort and convincing theme thoughts can play a significant capacity in drawing in and convincing the crowd. Since you can see, a great deal of the themes recorded are new and manage the ongoing issues occurring in the World today. You additionally banter whether the theme is politically precise. Since you may see, finding a proper point isn't exactly as basic as it would show up. </p> <p>Be sure that each one is talked about in a particular body section with compelling advances. Indeed, even the hardest discourse is effortlessly done, you essentially need to submit a request with your necessities and following a fast timespan, you will get exactly what you want. Simply stick to the rules expressed above, and you will be well en route to composing a brilliant powerful paper. Another smart thought is to get some totally free article instances of various sorts and on different subjects to locate a general thought of the manner by which a flourishing easy to refute paper looks.</p> <h2> If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Creative Persuasive Essay Topics </h2> <p>If you feel that you need more abilities for composing your convincing discourse, you can enlist master help. Second, talk what you shouldn't do rather than what must be practiced. Subjects that you're familiar with will make it less difficult to prepare for the discourse. In any case, in case you're organizing a powerful discourse, you should consider a point that may make mental pictures in the psyches of your crowd. </p> <p>To help you make a charming article, beneath are some better than average enticing themes for you to choose from. Having chosen a generally excellent subject to contend about, now you have to make a factious exposition layout. Characteristics of a superb convincing article theme The subject should be explicit. Choosing a fantastic theme for your exposition is among the most noteworthy and much of the tim e dubious parts for some understudies. </p> <h2>The Lost Secret of Creative Persuasive Essay Topics </h2> <p>At the very same time, it's a tremendous powerful exposition thought. You despite everything must make an exceptional piece of composing. There are only a couple of things that characterize whether a paper you're chipping away at will be a decent one. Recollect you may cause amusing factious articles on the off chance that you to do a couple of things. </p>
Saturday, July 25, 2020
College Essay - How to Label the Top of Your College Essay
<h1>College Essay - How to Label the Top of Your College Essay</h1><p>If you are endeavoring to compose a school paper, you have without a doubt gone over the inquiry how to mark the highest point of your school article. This is positively a situation that each understudy faces. The response to the inquiry will rely upon the style of keeping in touch with you have learned in high school.</p><p></p><p>Many understudies begin with incredible desires. They envision that the task will be simple and that they won't need to name anything. Be that as it may, after the main draft of the exposition has been finished, understudies start to understand that marking things is something that they don't generally make sure to do. Indeed, numerous understudies will unknowingly mark a particular entry on their article as 'my exposition' rather than 'your essay.'</p><p></p><p>To evade this slip-up, understudies ought to be exceptionally cautious in their determination of a title for their school paper. On the off chance that the task is to locate the most fitting term to use in the principal section, the understudies should ensure that the title doesn't reference their own exposition or that of another understudy. Additionally, if the understudies wish to put the title in the principal passage, they ought to be certain that the title is one that is novel to the essay.</p><p></p><p>Remember that there are two approaches to finding a title. In the first place, you can utilize a variety of your name. Second, you can utilize the name of a family member or colleague. Understudies can likewise attempt to utilize phrases that are related with them and their family.</p><p></p><p>However, understudies ought to likewise consider that the technique for title is just a single perspective on papers that they will compose. Another route is to go with a dark word or expression. For whatever length of time that the word or expression isn't identified with the topic of the article, it very well may be utilized in the first paragraph.</p><p></p><p>Students should then keep on working on composing their paper by rehashing their past exposition. This is on the grounds that understudies may understand that they didn't use the word or expression that they were scanning for. All things considered, they will know precisely what to do when composing the essay.</p><p></p><p>This isn't to state that composing the article is simple, yet rather that understudies will confront an extremely troublesome task. To begin with, they should compose a term or expression that identifies with the subject of the article. Second, they should distinguish whether the term or expression has a place with them or a family member.</p><p></p><p>Finally, the understudies must be very patient while composing the article. Co mposing the exposition is similarly as troublesome as editing. On the off chance that an understudy feels that the individual in question has just perused the whole article and has discovered the term or expression that the person in question was searching for, at that point the person in question should hang tight for another chance to discover the term or expression. This will make the errand of composing the article much easier.</p>
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Tips For Finding Ideas For Your Term Paper
<h1>Tips For Finding Ideas For Your Term Paper</h1><p>Are you searching for thoughts for your research paper? You might be in a similar circumstance as I was the point at which I originally began composition. In the wake of doing a little exploration on this theme, I understood that there are a great deal of inquiries and worries that I had not considered before.</p><p></p><p>I'm sure on the off chance that you've been composing papers for some time, you have most likely run over this question: 'I'm searching for assist composing with naming paper subjects.' While the facts confirm that you can discover a ton of guidance for points on the web, there are numerous things that you should know about before you really make any move. A few hints might be self-evident, yet some of them can truly help in case you're new to the entire process.</p><p></p><p>First of all, I need to explain that a large portion of the counsel out there is acceptable, however not all things out there will work for everyone. Nonetheless, there are a few hints that are presence of mind and some that may be something you've never considered before.</p><p></p><p>One thing that individuals do when they begin composing a research paper is that they'll request help. This may appear to be an easy decision, yet a few people have this very romanticized perspective on the circumstance where you don't consider requesting help. It's exceptionally difficult to compose a paper and not request help in the event that you've at any point attempted it, yet on the off chance that you approach it cautiously and with a bit of comprehension, it tends to be very beneficial.</p><p></p><p>If you're experiencing difficulty concocting a subject for your research project, it's extremely useful to realize that most themes for research projects have been expounded on in a few unique manners. The exact opposit e thing you need to do is compose a paper and understand that the subject has just been investigated by somebody else.</p><p></p><p>So, in the event that you do require assist composing with naming paper points, your most solid option is to truly consider what's as of now out there and what hasn't. In case you're thinking that its difficult to limit what's proper for your paper, set aside some effort to converse with others who've just done this and ask them how they did it. These individuals will probably have a ton of incredible guidance for you to consider.</p><p></p><p>Also, on the off chance that you are truly battling with composing a research project, or on the off chance that you believe that you have no clue about what themes you ought to expound on, consider employing a composing administration to assist you with the task. Composing administrations have involvement with composing research papers and have increased a lot of ex perience composing these papers as well.</p><p></p><p>If you're despite everything having issues finding the ideal subject for your research paper, recall that it can require some investment to do investigate on the theme. In case you're finding that the exploration is taking longer than you'd like, consider enrolling the assistance of a composing administration to help you out.</p>
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Best Immigration Topics to Write an Essay on
<h1>Best Immigration Topics to Write an Essay on</h1><p>In request to compose an article on migration subjects to turn into an expert, one must be aware of the best movement themes to compose an exposition on. In addition to the fact that it is a prerequisite that you realize how to compose an article, however one ought to likewise know the diverse movement themes to compose a paper on with the goal that the individual in question can compose the privilege topic.</p><p></p><p>With this, we can without much of a stretch say that every nation has distinctive migration gives that might be one of a kind from the other. Consequently, regardless of whether you are in another nation, you can even now compose your own assessment, which can be a piece of a gathering article. Along these lines, you can convey your perspectives, considerations, and assessments on the subject that you need to write.</p><p></p><p>When composing you r paper on movement issues, the principal thing that you have to do is ensure that you have seen all the essential data that you can discover. This will support you and your understudies a great deal with the goal that they can work better.</p><p></p><p>Migration - The principle thought of this point is to enlighten your understudies concerning the rudiments of relocation. In this way, you have to ensure that you have comprehended the standards and arrangements of movement and how relocation influences different nations. Recollect that this point isn't just about movement laws, yet in addition the basic changes and the components that influence migration.</p><p></p><p>Other Immigration Issues - You should have the option to expound on movement gives that are pertinent to your subject. For this situation, you will discover the various contrasts that you have found in the United States, in the US itself, or in a particular area in the Un ited States. You will likewise discover some data that you have to recollect when composing this topic.</p><p></p><p>Family Immigration Issues - This is the second movement theme that you have to expound on. You have to enlighten your understudies regarding how family unification is something that they ought to do. While this point doesn't manage any one specific subject, it causes you relate your migration to the movement in a bigger perspective.</p><p></p><p>Integration of Immigrants - This theme manages how migration has helped foreigners incorporate into the nation. What is essential to note here is that every migrant ought to experience a procedure of reconciliation before the individual in question can be considered as genuinely coordinated. In addition, joining as far as instruction and occupations assumes a noteworthy job here.</p><p></p><p>Economic Status - Finally, the following theme that manages migr ation is the monetary status of settlers. You have to talk about the normal pay and work status of settlers in the nation, just as the quantity of outsiders that have gotten utilized in the nation. This is fundamental since you have to comprehend the normal changes and factors that influence these topics.</p>
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Research Paper Writing Service - Is It the Best For Your Company?
<h1>Research Paper Writing Service - Is It the Best For Your Company?</h1><p>Research paper composing administrations are still amazingly mainstream today, yet the interest for this business is just developing as more organizations develop and attempt to turn out to be increasingly proficient. This is on the grounds that in the realm of today, you can never go too far to even think about surviving. Along these lines, in the event that you're bad at composing papers, well, at that point you can generally employ a decent research paper composing administration for your organization and appreciate the advantages that accompany it.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous approaches to locate the best help in this field, yet it tends to be somewhat precarious on occasion. In any case, there are as yet a couple of things that you have to search for. Initially, ensure that you comprehend what sort of research paper composing administration you're searching for. Are they just about composing paper for look into, or do they likewise have help?</p><p></p><p>If you employ a composing administration that practices on explore papers, you can have confidence that they'll compose and inquire about for you. They'll have the option to concentrate more on their activity as opposed to agonizing over your paper. This is something that you have to remember, in light of the fact that you need them to play out their activity appropriately. In any case, on the off chance that you recruit an overall specialist co-op that is incredible at everything, you probably won't need the entirety of their help.</p><p></p><p>One thing that you should inquire as to whether they can let you stay with a duplicate of their's work. This is a significant thought since certain organizations will in general sell your exploration paper to different organizations. And afterward you won't have the option to check how much time they've spent on the paper, how they changed the wording and have them edited your paper.</p><p></p><p>The most ideal approach to locate a solid research paper composing administration is to check their prosperity rate. Many individuals accept that the more papers that they have the better the administration, yet it's a myth.</p><p></p><p>Only those administrations that make huge amounts of cash can truly profess to be the best in the business. Furthermore, it just implies that they need to create their outcomes and quality similarly so as to be considered as the best.</p><p></p><p>When it comes to examining and composing your own papers, an examination paper composing administration is only the thing you need. Discover the amount they charge and whether they're dependable, and you'll have the option to pick the correct one for your needs.</p>
Monday, June 8, 2020
Research Paper Topics For MBA Students
Research Paper Topics For MBA StudentsThere are several different research paper topics for MBA students to choose from. Some students want to look at current events and research those events, while others would prefer a more scientific approach to the issue. Let's take a look at some of the research paper topics that are out there, and see what each one has to offer.As an undergraduate course, statistics is something all MBA students need to understand. Statistics and data analysis is important in every aspect of life. There are two very different ways that students can go about doing this. One is through basic math and college level courses, and the other is through doing actual work with statistics.Basic Statistics is a prerequisite to most graduate programs, and is an integral part of any successful MBA. This allows students to learn how to effectively use the data that they have to analyze it. The most obvious example of this is when looking at charts or graphs to determine if a variable has increased or decreased over time. If you are using these methods, then you should be able to do so through a basic set of instructions and guidelines.Statistics and Data Analysis is the area of study that is more commonly associated with research papers for MBA students. This means that you will be looking at data in the form of numbers and determining if there is any correlation between that data and the overall outcome of the project. The most common type of research paper for this type of topic is a regression analysis. There are many different techniques for using this method.Statistical methods include several different steps. First, you will look at the variables that you will be examining. After that, you will look at what the values of those variables are and what the correlation is between them. You will be able to show that the value of a variable can be used to make certain conclusions and prove that there is a correlation.Other types of research paper topic s for MBA students include demographics and making sure that the demographics of the group are accurate. This will ensure that you are being true to the area of study that you are taking, and that you are not just looking for a case study. You will also need to take into account the specific needs of the student as well. There are many different demographics that you will need to take into account, including gender, age, experience level, etc.The final area of research paper topics for MBA students is related to the area of study itself. Once you have taken the statistics and data analysis course, you will need to look at the actual people who are going to be involved in the project. This will include the professor, department head, advisors, etc. If you are able to make sure that they all understand what the project is all about, and the process of the project, then you will be well on your way to having a successful project.These are just a few different types of research paper to pics for MBA students to choose from. As you can see, there are many different ways to go about conducting a project. Make sure that you select the type of project that is best suited for your career goals, and make sure that you have the necessary resources available to get it done.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Topics to Write a Personal Essay About
Topics to Write a Personal Essay AboutTopics to write a personal essay about are just as important as the topic itself. And not all subjects you can write a personal essay about are applicable to all people and situations. You may be assigned by the paper to teach about a single subject, but that doesn't mean the topic has to be something limited to your area of expertise.There are a lot of reasons why you would want to write an essay on a topic that is relevant to you. Perhaps you have an interest in history or religion. If so, this can be a great way to research a topic you might not otherwise find yourself researching. It will also give you some insight into how others view and interpret those topics.Another reason why you may want to write an essay about topics you know nothing about could be that the topic is interesting to you. Your essay is going to be a reflection of who you are as a person. One of the things you may wish to include when writing a personal essay about a topic you don't know much about is your personality. Write down a list of traits that define who you are.Take some time to define what it is that makes you unique, as opposed to someone with a general knowledge of a topic. Then use these descriptions as a guide for what to include in your essay. When writing about a topic you don't know much about, take the time to make sure you properly research and familiarize yourself with the topic. Otherwise, you will be writing about facts that are not all the same.And of course, you may want to use a more 'common sense approach' when researching and writing about a topic you know nothing about. Spend time online and off to do some research and see if you can find some possible ways to write about it. The more you write and read about a subject, the more comfortable you will become when writing your essay.Don't let the fact that you don't know much about the topic prevent you from writing an essay. You can always find a way to get around the topic by writing in an approach that is familiar to you. There are certain types of writing that will give you an advantage and others that will prove to be harmful. Just make sure you write about an idea you feel confident about.And finally, there are different ways you can approach the topic of your essay. While some people write the essay themselves, others will seek the help of an experienced writer to write the essay for them. This method gives the person the benefit of having another viewpoint to guide him or her. But of course, if you don't know how to write a personal essay about a topic, you can always turn to professional writers to write the paper for you.The topic of your essay is just as important as the topic itself. You should try to learn as much as you can about your topic and then write about it as objectively as possible. Don't let others' opinions stand in the way of the topic you choose to write about. Make sure you fully understand the topic and learn as much as you can before writing.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Essay Topics Speak Novel
<h1>Essay Topics Speak Novel</h1><p>Writing expositions is not, at this point the simple undertaking it used to be; rather, it's a very dull assignment to compose such papers and significantly harder to peruse them through once you've wrapped up. There are such a large number of various article subjects, each with an alternate point on the issues being considered. The main thing is, the thing that one subject spotlights on may not be intriguing to another theme. To make things increasingly troublesome, while picking the points for a paper, you have to pick a subject that the crowd can relate to.</p><p></p><p>So how would you cause your article themes to talk novel? The appropriate response is straightforward; you must expound on something that has just been expounded on by different authors. This implies in case you're composing an exposition, you have to pick points that have just been canvassed in books or articles. In case you're expoundin g on something extremely dubious, pick a theme that is now been talked about in a book or article by a notable essayist who has just expounded regarding the matter. In case you're expounding on a policy centered issue, pick points that are fundamentally the same as the subjects that are most ordinarily discussed.</p><p></p><p>The reality is, many individuals don't care for normal suppositions; they favor increasingly one of a kind viewpoints. You'll locate an immense distinction between your exposition point and the articles composed by the individuals who have some expertise in that specific subject. Rather than just picking the most well known subject that will make it simpler for you to audit and alter the record, go with a point that hasn't been talked about so much. At the point when you utilize this system, you'll show signs of improvement grades, and furthermore, more exposure.</p><p></p><p>Now, we should discuss expounding on s omething that has just been expounded on in a book or an article. In the event that you need to improve as an author, you need to break new ground. It's hard to believe, but it's true, you can't utilize the most mainstream subject and hope to be acceptable at composing. You have to join something new into your article subjects and you have to compose a theme that the crowd will have the option to identify with. Remember that most famous themes depend on the most well-known feeling. For whatever length of time that the theme you pick is one of a kind, the crowd will have the option to identify with it easily.</p><p></p><p>Even on the off chance that you do concoct a subject that is one of a kind, recollect that you despite everything need to compose the article to cause it to seem like you composed it yourself. You have to show the crowd that you had the option to make your own theme since this shows the crowd that you are an expert essayist who comprehends th e mechanics of making a point. Along these lines, your paper points will stand apart from the various essays.</p><p></p><p>As we said prior, when picking exposition subjects, you have to pick themes that have just been secured. So you have to know how the point was concentrated previously, with the goal that you can without much of a stretch identify with it. In the event that the subject has just been secured, pick a point that is like it.</p><p></p><p>By following these tips, you'll have the option to show signs of improvement grades, and furthermore, your paper themes will stand apart from the various expositions. All things considered, in case you're not composing a novel, you're not going to have any accomplishment in this undertaking. Evaluate some exposition themes on this site and see what's out there. I ensure that you'll think of an extraordinary article point for your next assignment.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Is it Possible to Submit a Scientific Journal Article?
Is it Possible to Submit a Scientific Journal Article?Many people are wondering whether or not it is possible to submit a scientific journal article. After all, the whole point of submitting a journal article is that it is going to be read and considered for publication. Shouldn't it be as easy as submitting an essay? Or does the reviewer's comments affect the fate of your article?The answer to both questions is YES. It takes a little more work than submitting an essay, but submitting a scientific journal article is the same as submitting an essay. You should follow the same guidelines as you would if you were writing an essay.First of all, your scientific journal article must be properly formatted. This means that you need to check the formatting of your paper before submitting it. If there are spelling or grammar errors, you will need to correct them before sending it in. The truth is that you don't have to proofread the article. However, it is important to review the article prior to submission so that you are confident that you have completed all the editing tasks that are necessary.You must also write your scientific journal article in a way that it can stand alone. As is true with essays, you want to have the best possible essay that contains as much information as possible. The entire point of submitting an article is to provide enough information to allow the reader to follow the arguments and conclusions you have made.You should also be sure that you get all the keywords out of your scientific journal article before submitting it. A lot of times, when you submit an essay, the editor will use some keywords. These may actually be an error. If you are submitting an article to a scientific journal, your keyword density is going to be very high. Use keywords sparingly throughout the article.Finally, it is important to submit your paper. Make sure that you give it plenty of time to get reviewed and to receive the appropriate comments. If you wait too long, y ou may not get a chance to receive the comments. The time it takes to process the comments and to actually review the paper, the sooner you can submit it.So, yes, submitting a scientific journal article is possible. Just like writing an essay, you need to follow the same guidelines. The best advice is to follow the process of submitting a journal article.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Louisiana Purchase And The Louisiana - 1535 Words
In 1803, a significant occurrence happened. The purchase of 827,000 square miles of land for approximately 4 cents an acre or 15 million dollars was made. This purchase was unlike any other, for it would have the most importance of any other purchase made in the United States. It is referred to as the Louisiana Purchase. The land that was purchased was known as the Louisiana Territory. Also, this territory wasnââ¬â¢t just bought. It was exchanged, for an important reason. The Louisiana Purchase is known as one of the most significant purchases or exchanges of money in the history of the United States of America. Additionally, the Louisiana Purchase was made for many important reasons, and was influenced by certain factors. Without the help and guidance of important influential people and countries, war and conflict, and exploration and discovery, the Louisiana Purchase may not have been as important is it is today, or may not have even been made. First of all, the Louisiana Purchase was guided along and influenced by certain people. These people were very important, as they made life-changing decisions that affected the events that led to the Louisiana Purchase. The very first and foremost important person that influenced the Louisiana Purchase was Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States. Additionally, Thomas Jefferson had other important influences in history. One of those important influences included the signing of the Declaration ofShow MoreRelatedLouisiana Purchase1368 Words à |à 6 PagesChristian Ruiz Mr. Kelley Period1 14 February 2013 Louisiana Purchase On April 30,1803 the Louisiana territory, which was a third of the land for the new nation we call America, was purchased from France for fifteen million dollars. This helped fund Napoleonââ¬â¢s war against Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson made this decision because Jefferson did not want any other nation ruling in that territory, because Jefferson did not want to feel threatened with natives from the new land and France tryingRead MoreLouisiana Purchase1013 Words à |à 5 Pages#65279;Louisiana Purchase I believe that the Louisiana Purchase was one of the greatest impacts on American society because of the large amount of land and how it helped our economy. In this report you will see how lucky that the United States is to have obtained this large piece of land from France. Their are many reasons why Napoleon had to sell this large piece of land. Napoleon thought that this land could be a great asset to the French if they knew what to do with it. He didntRead MoreThe Louisiana Purchase1215 Words à |à 5 Pagessignificantly with the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase added 828,000 square miles which doubled the land area of the United States ( 1). The importance of the Louisiana Purchase can be best appreciated by understanding why this purchase was considered significant to the United States, why France agreed to sell such a sizable amount of land, and how the Louisiana Purchase changed the United States forever. The United States was interested in the purchase of Louisiana for a number ofRead MoreThe Louisiana Purchase1275 Words à |à 5 PagesWhen the Louisiana Purchase was made by Thomas Jefferson in 1802, nobody in the United States knew anything about the territory. Everyone had to know more about the huge land grant that was just purchased by the U.S. People took the challenge and went out to see the great land. Famous explorers are known for their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase. Two famous explorers are known by many, Lewis and Clark. Although, there is one explorer that is less known but explored just as much area as LewisRead MoreThe Purchase Of Louisiana Posed Essay1103 Words à |à 5 PagesName: Title: Institution: Personal Responsibility The Purchase of Louisiana posed several important moral dilemmas for American President Thomas Jefferson; among these were the means of achieving Republican government statesââ¬â¢ rights and strict constructionism which he relented. Constructionist and a strong supporter of states rights and, therefore, the action of purchasing Louisiana presented a moral dilemma, he was either to stick to his principle or compromise and save the Republican governmentRead MoreThe Louisiana Purchase Essays940 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Louisiana Purchase was done in the year 1803. In this purchase the United States of America paid fifteen million dollars to get all the land west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains. This transaction was done between Thomas Jefferson and the great Napoleon. The benefits that the United States of America experienced from this purchase were numerous. For one, it gave the U.S. complete control of the Mississippi, which in tern helped many farmers with transportingRead MoreLouisiana Purchase Essay1253 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Louisiana Purchase was the most influential and important land purchases in American history. The acquired land in this historical purchase proved to far outweigh what most Americans at the time could imagine. The Louisiana Purchase more than doubled the size of the United States, and lead to many great discoveries and societal benefits. Some of the major and most prominent ways that the Louisiana Purchase influenced the evolution of American were the expeditions of Louis and Clark on theRead MoreEffects Of The Purchase Of Louisiana1162 Words à |à 5 PagesThe purchase of Louisiana was both beneficial to President Thomas Jefferson as well as detrimental in many ways. The ordeal started in October of 1802, where Joseph Harris of states that the Spanish administrator, Juan Ventura Morales, who was administering New Orlean s until the French administrator Laussat arrived, said that the terms of 1795 treaty had expired and the Americans had lost their right to store American merchandise in warehouses located in New Orleans. Another rightRead More Louisiana Purchase Essay999 Words à |à 4 Pages amp;#65279;Louisiana Purchase nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I believe that the Louisiana Purchase was one of the greatest impacts on American society because of the large amount of land and how it helped our economy. In this report you will see how lucky that the United States is to have obtained this large piece of land from France. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Their are many reasons why Napoleon had to sell this large piece of landRead MoreThe Legacy Of Louisiana Purchase1286 Words à |à 6 PagesLouisiana Purchase, more prominently known as an acquisition that doubled the size of the country we reside in, was much more than just a simple purchase, much less an easy one. Thomas Jefferson had to consider all the aspects, consequences, and effects that the decision of buying 2,144,500 square kilometers of land would have on the country (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 1). This purchase brought many improvements to the country, but also had unexpected consequences that would transform the country
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Law Challenges for Administrative Justice
Question: Discuss about theLawfor Challenges for Administrative Justice. Answer: In this paper, we discuss the problem or issue related to administrative law, and discussion on rule and principle of Administrative law. Issue Related to Administrative Law: Complexity: a large number of people find difficulty in understanding the government programs. Usually people do not understand the detail law of 8000 pages, almost 130 categories of visa in case of immigration or tax benefits related to families and schemes related to child support because such programs required forecasting the future incomes, work commitments and family care arrangements. Because of number of complex requirements and legal obligations by government confused the general public which results in complexity. In complex working system general public choose wrong options, break the rules and regulations, and they get confused in different programs. Because of these complex requirements by government people get confused and rely on the advice of the government regarding what to do, and how to do. It happen lot of time when people ask the wrong question or understand the wrong answer. These issues causes frustration and irritation, and sometimes it result in administrative penalties or loss of entitlements (McMillan, 2010). In case, of breach or fail to comply with these government requirements, then this will lead to administrative penalty or loss of entitlements. For example: incorrect information in the return attract penalty up to 25%, 50% or 75% of the calculated tax. Poor decision making and human frailty: there are number of cases which are identified by courts in which there is defective decision making, and such defects are corrected by courts, tribunals, and ombudsman. Such defects includes misinterpretation of legislation, courts analyze the information in wrong way, arrest or detain the people for wrong reason, and application of inappropriate penalties. However, these corrections cannot deny the fact that mistakes are done in frequent manner in this administrative system. It was the common activity that officers file the documents in wrong way, confuse the dates and names, and miss the deadlines or provide confidential information to the wrong people. These mistakes are human errors but it will result in dramatic consequences. Because of these simple errors number of people faces difficulty (Law handbook, n.d.). Three questions that are meant to generate a discussion about an Administrative Law rule or principle: How these administrative laws resolve the problem related to complexity? It is necessary that government make law programs that are easy to understand, and does not involve any complex requirements. Easy and understandable programs help in understanding the requirements and reduce the confusion. Is that possible that administrative law reviews the penalty provisions? Penalties are necessary for the person who breaches the regulations, but there are number of penalties which are caused due to confusion in understanding the regulations. Government also makes some provisions for those also who did not commit breach intentionally (Gleeson, 2001). How governments deal with the mistakes made by department? Mistakes made by departments are human errors but their effects are dangerous. It is necessary that government develop a department which keep an eye on the activities of officials and reduce such mistakes. References: McMillan, J. (2010). Ten challenges for administrative justice. Retrieved on 10th October 2016 from: Law handbook. Administrative Law - Challenging Government Decisions. Retrieved on 10th October 2016 from: Gleeson, M. (2001). Courts and the rule of law. Retrieved on 10th October 2016 from:
Saturday, April 18, 2020
King Lear Essays (908 words) - King Lear, British Films, Films
King Lear The Development Of Gloucester, Albany and Lear People going through changes throughout their life is a universally known concept. In many novels the authors attempt to trace the development of the characters. By showing the evolution of the characters is what sometimes determines the quality of the literary piece. It is on the agenda of great writing critics to critique the authors' development of characters. Many lessons have been taught on the tragedy King Lear, by William Shakespeare, because of Shakespeare's superb development of his characters. He traces the psychological evolution of the Earl of Gloucester, the Duke of Albany and King Lear; from being irrational to sensible, subservient to self-determined and oblivious to observant respectfully. A clear evolution takes place in the nature of the Earl of Gloucester from the beginning of the story until the end as he changes from being irrational to sensible. When the story begins the earl is introduced as an irrational noble. The reason he is branded as irrational is because of his sudden alignment with his bastard son, Edmund, against his loyal and loving son, Edgar. Despite being taken cared by Edgar for the past seven years, the instant Gloucester is given a forged letter by Edmund revealing a conspiracy against the Earl by Edgar, he is instantly outraged against the legitimate son and allies himself with Edmund. The fact that Gloucester does not attempt to rationally find the truth about the conspiracy he is introduced as a foolish person. By not rationally justifying the situation even further shows his absurdity for it shows how he is unable to see through the cynicism of Edmund. However as the story lines develop so does Glocester. Towards the end of the story Glocester strives to discover the accuracy of the letter and plot. After concluding that all this time he had been wrong he is blinded by an enemy of his. His blindness symbolically shows the final phase of Gloucester's evolution for it strengthens the fact that he is now logical and perceptive. Hence Shakespeare traces the development of Gloucester from being irrational to sensible. Shakespeare also traces the psychological progression of the Duke of Albany. As the husband of Goneril, one of Lear's daughters, his wife's strong ambitious nature overwhelms him so much that he follows his wife full heatedly. As the story begins Albany is participating in his wife's plan to rule Britain. When Albany says to Goneril, ?I fear your disposition?(3.4) one can immediately see how Albany's unassertive nature is engulfed by Goneril's aggressive character. As the story progresses so does Albany. When he says to Edgar, one of the people standing in the way of his wife's plans,? Let sorrow split my heart, if ever I did hate thee or thy father,?(4.3) his subservient nature is released for this quote shows how since he apologizes to his wife's enemy he does not tolerate his wife's authority over him. He now becomes more self-determined. He acts on his own will instead of taking orders from his spouse. Clearly Albany transforms from a subordinate character to a self-determined one. Probably the character that evolves the most dramatically is King Lear, the king of Britain, for he develops from being oblivious to becoming observant. Because he allows his ego and external things to determine his decisions Lear is characterized as oblivious for it shows how he allows those factors to prohibit him from making decisions based on the facts. In a beginning scene Lear holds a contest between his three daughters to determine which one of them would be his successor. The way Lear would determine who would take over was to see which one of the girls most strongly expressed their love for him a true sign of an egotistical person. Two of the daughters sarcastically but believably told their father how much they loved him in order to receive his approval. The youngest, however, told him that his contest was immoral and that she would not ?act? for him as her sisters did. It is necessary to note that prior to this scene that daughter, Cordelia, was most loved by Lear and most suitable for the position. Once she does not play up to him like her sisters, she is disowned by Lear. He then crowns the two other sisters as co-rulers of Britain out of spite to Cordelia. Clearly his deflated ego drives Lear to act foolishly and therefore he is oblivious to the prior loyalty of Cordelia. Once he makes his final
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Malcolm Xs Knowledge and Liberation Essays
Malcolm Xs Knowledge and Liberation Essays Malcolm Xs Knowledge and Liberation Essay Malcolm Xs Knowledge and Liberation Essay Malcolm Xs Knowledge and Liberation What does it mean to be liberated, mentally imprisoned, and free? Malcolm experienced all of those feelings and in this essay I will explain how he was first mentally imprisoned or oppressed, to him becoming physically imprisoned which set him free, and the influences that changed his life from what it was before. To first address how Malcolm X was liberated by reading and knowledge, one must understand what it means to be free or liberated. To be free is to live in happiness, peace, harmony and Just overall have a positive well-being. Freedom allows one to be n control of themselves and their life and to have an unlimited amount of opportunities. To be liberated is to appreciate life without restraints or restrictions; To live your life the way you choose and have those rights be inalienable and accepted worldwide as something that cannot be physically or mentally taken away. Malcolm was freed mentally while he was physically imprisoned. Growing up Malcolm X was raised in a disfunctional household and never really had a strong male fgure to look up to as an example. He was put into a detention home where he was surrounded by white people who treated him as a pet or a mascot. He grew up not knowing anything about his history or heritage which impacted him greatly when he became an adult. While in middle school, Malcolm X asked his favorite English teacher why there was only one paragraph about black history and his teacher made a senseless Joke and moved on, but something inside Malcolm snapped that day. He was going to make or find his own history. As Malcolm X became an adult, he had the choice to live a good educated life but instead chose to become an alcoholic and drug dealer. He felt that was the only real Job out there that didnt serve upper class white people. At a few points in his life, Malcolm X had to live his hometown because he was afraid to be arrested for a false accusation or killed over unpaid debts. Although it wasnt as clear then, Malcolm X was mentally imprisoned and oppressed in the community, ignorance, and state of mind in which he chose to live with for a long time until he was finally arrested which began a new life for him. Malcolm X was liberated and became more free than ever in his life by absorbing knowledge like a sponge and not letting anything get between him and his want and need to further his learning. While in prison, Malcolm X was introduced to a whole new world which he had no prior knowledge except for his embarrassment and guilt of not being capable to respond back to Elijah Muhammad. He says that he nearly became a prison hermit because he was so into his learning and books that not even eight prison guards and the warden could pry him from his intense passion of studying. He was so passionate about reading and learning new words that he never knew existed that he would get angry when it would be lights out and stay up all skills and language skills broadened his eyes and changed how he viewed his life nd the world. One person that changed the way that Malcolm saw himself and the world was Elijah Muhammad. Muhammad wrote to Malcolm X while he was in prison and gave him courage and guidance towards a life committed to Islam. Malcolm X looked up to Elijah Muhammad and thanked him for introducing to the world of Islam. He became a very humble man and lost pride and gave and fully committed himself to Allah. Writing to Elijah Muhammad and not knowing how to express himself without using the old slang that he had grown up speaking made him push himself towards earning more so that he could communicate freely and effectively. That large step that Malcolm took by first copying the dictionary onto paper changed his life and set him upon a new course. Acquiring reading skills was probably the most influential event that could have happened in Malcolm Xs life because he was introduced to a numerous amount of topics and history that even he couldnt fathom. In addition to writing letters to Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X started to look more into black history and the origin of his people and where the oppression began. Malcolm X found that the more he looked into the history if his people, the more whitened or bleached it became. He read books about slavery that upset him and made him even more passionate and he came up with a conclusion: White men are like devils that oppress the worlds minorities. He kept reading about how whites opened the Slave Trade and all the hardships his ancestors endured in the process of searching for human rights. He also believed that whited exploited all the other races of the world by coming in a good nature to the people and then changing their whole attitudes and screwing eople out of their own resources and making them turn on each other out of the white mans benefit. For example, the United Nations were indiscreetly creating laws directly towards the oppression of minorities. After acquiring the ability to read, Malcolm X got the courage to Join the debate team that always him think about other subjects and admire the inmates who got so heated about the points they were supporting. Malcolm found debate and public speaking was something that was so exhilarating because it was a combination of strategy and reasoning. He would track down everything about his subject and then ut himself in the mindset of his opponent and then fgure out a way to knock down those points as well. If there was anyway Malcolm would talk about the devilishness of the white man in any of his debates. Malcolm X became liberated and free as he grew as a new person into knowledge and under a new religion that he actually had faith in. Malcolm became all of the definitions that I gave about truly being free. Knowledge gave Malcolm happiness, peace, harmony and an overall positive well-being but one important thing that I think knowledge gave him was: Knowledge gave him the option to have an unlimited
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Devotion to God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Devotion to God - Essay Example The song depicts that the God is not egocentric and with his presence, there is no ego in men. It admits that there is only one God, who is obtained by the grace of the guru. In the song, the Guru quotes, ââ¬Ëwhat we deem a thing to be, in reality it is not like thatââ¬â¢ (Fisher & Bailey 2012, p.81). This quote expresses that the God is ââ¬Ëall-knowingââ¬â¢. He is omniscient and that men can think what they may and perceive things the way the can, but God has the only power that can perceive things correctly. Humans are prone to errors but God cannot make a mistake and his perception is always real. Ravi Das quotes that, ââ¬Ëthe lord is nearer to us than our hands and feetââ¬â¢ (Fisher & Bailey 2012, p.81). This confirms that the God he implies is omnipresent and his presence and manifestation is always with men whenever they are. He uses praise and submissiveness to show his devotion to God. He says the one Lord has assumed many forms but enjoys within all hearts. This figurative expression and style devotes to the Lord that he is omnipotent and omnipresent that he can assume be anything and still experience the hearts of every man. The relationship between the devotee and the God in the context of the saint song is close. He had even quoted that the presence of the lord was in a close proximity to a man than hands and feet. The devotee, Ravi Das is less resourceful as his caste class demands and being in the position to interact with the ââ¬ËLord of wealthââ¬â¢ insinuates the close and non-discriminative relationship he had with the Lord.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Advertising strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Advertising strategies - Essay Example They may access the internet but locating Ads with ease and efficiency may be a difficult task. The development of print advertisement should be done with large prints in consideration that the elderly have poor vision or sight impairments. Sponsorship and partnership with relevant organizations are also required. For instance, funding activities in nursing homes and partnering with the institutions provide a significant marketing opportunity. The language or message used in the advertisement should have nostalgic features (Enis & Roering, 2012). The most effective type of exploratory research that should be used is depth interviews. In this approach, the questionnaire is developed in an open-ended way to increase the feedback depth of respondents (Shields & Rangarjan, 2013). In addition, the questionnaires objectivesââ¬â¢ is not to develop a statistical result but rather a responsive feedback on the required marketing needs. The project would be more effective with the use of qualitative research. This is based on that; the bookstore is a new venture and acquiring the market perception and references would be more important that acquiring statistical data. The first step would be to locate a target market or relevant person likely to consume the provided services and products. Then development of open-ended would be done. The development of the questions should be based on the desires of the market and how the desires are relayed to the consumer (Shields & Rangarjan, 2013). The questionnaire would then be used in a depth interview
Friday, January 31, 2020
Hurricane Sandy Essay Example for Free
Hurricane Sandy Essay 1, Background * The outline of hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy was formed on October 22 and dissipated on October 31. Its highest winds throughout all the date was 110mph (175km/h) and the lowest pressure was 940hPa. The number of fatalities was 253 in all, and all costs of damage, at least, have risen to $65.6 billion. Affected areas by this hurricane expanded to wide range. This is Hurricane Sandy when it was near peak intensity on October 25. Firstly what is the hurricane? It is an intense tropical depression with a very strong rainstorm. Hurricane has the other different names, typhoon and cyclone, but these donââ¬â¢t have any of differences in terms of their characters, and the difference is only where it takes place. A hurricane is classified to five levels according to Saffirââ¬âSimpson hurricane scale based on the maximum wind speed within one minute. According to the National Hurricane Center, its highest wind speed was 110mph, which mean Hurricane Sandy is classified to category 3. (More than Category 3 is distinguished as a record hurricane) Due to its climate, around the Southern Atlantic, there is likely to have a hurricane between June and November (especially between Aug and Oct), and U.S, as well as the West Indies countries has been suffered from its damage. From such a historical background, these countries have a strong feeling of prevention of damage by hurricanes. Particular in U.S, when hurricane Katrina strikes U.S, the government could not take adequate measure against a hurricane, and there was a great deal of damage. Since then, such a perception has been bigger and bigger among people. After the storm became a tropical cyclone on October 22, in case of Jamaica, the government called upon the all of citizens in the whole island to take precautions against the approaching tropical cyclone. 2, Cause To begin with, how was it formed and how did it progress? At the first time, it began with a low pressure which is classified as a tropical depression on October 22 South of Kingston, Jamaica, and this tropical depression was named Tropical Storm Sandy at the same date. Firstly, it moved slowly because of a peak of the high atmospheric pressure called ridge. However early on October 24, the eye of hurricane started developing, and it headed for northward with steadily speed affected by the atmospheric trough. After that, the NHC (National Hurricane Centre in U.S.A) upgraded it to hurricane status and as of 19; 00 in Greenwich Mean Time that day, Sandy finally arrived at Kingston, Jamaica. Then just after Sandy left from Cuba towards the northern sea, it rapidly intensified to winds of 110mph which is 175km/h although it had been 80mph (130km/h). After Sandy left Cuba, its structure became disorganised, and due to it, Sandy turned to the northwest over the Bahamas. By October 27, because of influence from an approaching trough, Sandy was no longer fully tropical depression. But after that, Sandy re-intensified into a hurricane from a tropical storm. Sandyââ¬â¢s second peak was on October 29, and it recorded 90mph (150km/h) and it had a wind diameter of over 1,000nautical miles (1,150 mi, 1850km). As of 2300 in Greenwich Mean Time on October 29, Sandy was not tropical, and an hour later, it made landfall on the south-west of Atlantic City with 90mph (150km/h) wind. On October 31, Hurricane Sandy finally dissipated over western Pennsylvania This map shows the route of Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane Sandyââ¬â¢s route was not usual as well. Most of tropical depression is likely to path into the sea in this season. However, in the case of hurricane Sandy, other high atmospheric pressure in the southern Greenland pushed it to side of inland. Now, why did it develop to one of the biggest hurricane on record? There has some of hypothesises, but most of experts say that there is a strong relationship between the global warming and its abnormal development. The sea surface temperature from Florida to Canada was 0,6ââÆ' before the global warming had been identified, however since it has come up to the surface, its temperature increased by 2,4 ââÆ'. As the condition when a hurricane is created, at least, it requires three conditions. First, the ocean water must be warm enough to put heat and moisture into the overlying atmosphere to provide the potential fuel for the thermodynamic engine that a hurricane becomes. Second, atmospheric moisture from sea water evaporation must combine with the heat and energy to form the powerful engine needed to propel a hurricane. Third, a wind pattern must be near the ocean surface to spirals air inward. In terms of hurricaneââ¬â¢s mechanism, it still has a lot of unsure parts but as of today, it is found that hurricaneââ¬â¢s initial energy source is the latent heat released by water vapor in the atmosphere on the tropical sea surface, which mean, as the temperature of surface of sea water increases, amount of vaporized water (primary energy source for a hurricane) also increases, and it is considered as the cause of Sandyââ¬â¢s unusual development. As I mentioned above, hurricane mechanism is still not made clear so it is not sure that whether or not only the global warming is the cause of occurring a massive scale of hurricane. 3, Impacts * Impacts on Jamaica. Jamaica is also one of the region were has suffered from terrible damage by a hurricane Sandy. When hurricane sandy made landfall over south eastern Jamaica, the hurricane was still classified as category 1 with winds of 129km/h, and torrential rain was also hitting the country. In addition, because of its strong winds, a lot of trees were fallen and these blocked several roads, which made many communities inaccessible. Electricity and domestic water supply system was cut too. As a result, any of lifelines were temporary not available. Not only public facilities but also a lot of houses were damaged by a strong wind (for example, the roofs were removed by the wind). In Portland and the area of Mount Pleasant 80% of roofs have been destroyed. Flooding also brought about in Pamphret and Port Maria and it made a lot of people evacuate to collective centers. Number of deaths was relatively less in spite of this scale of hurricane, but such an accident that one man was crushed by stones falling from a hillside and dead in a rural area near Kingston. The total cost of damage becomes $16.5 million throughout the country. * Impacts on Haiti Although Haiti was still recovering from 2010ââ¬â¢s earthquake damage, a massive hurricane hit there. As of October 29, estimated 200,000 people became homeless because of heavy raining which went on four days. Port-Salut, where was given one of the worst effects by it, was damaged by over floated rivers, in addition, nationââ¬â¢s capital street, Port-au-Prince were also flooded by the heavy rains. Moreover, ongoing cholera epidemic was also warned due to unsanitary situation brought by flooding. The storm also ruined most of crops and as a United Nation said, as many as 1 million people in Haiti would face to food shortage problem unless enough aids would come. * Impacts on U.S The damage brought about by hurricane Sandy in the whole U.S was one of the most severe throughout all of U.Sââ¬â¢s record. Eventually, the hurricane caused about ten billion dollar damage in the U.S. The total number of deaths raised to, at least, 131 in eight states and about 1000 houses were destroyed, so about millions of people left without electric service after the hurricane attacked. However, in comparison with Hurricane Katrina, total damage was considerably smaller. According to statistics, its differences are very clear. For example, in terms of the number of deaths, it was over 1000 in the case of Hurricane Katrina, but in this time, the total number was ten times smaller than before. The number of displaced was also ten times smaller although Sandyââ¬â¢s diameter was bigger than Katrina and its total amount of rainfall was almost no differences. So, U.Sââ¬â¢s countermeasure against hurricane has improved a lot compared with past examples. However, the other West Indians Countries are still developing countries regarding countermeasures. Bibliography
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
A Farewell to Arms Essay: Inevitability of Death Revealed
Inevitability of Death Revealed in A Farewell To Arms à à à Ernest Hemingway has been greatly criticized for a supposed hatred of women that some feel is evident in his writings. One of the primary books that critics believe shows this misogynistic attitude is A Farewell To Arms. It is counterproductive to interpret the book using such a narrow focus because the author is dealing with much more profound themes. Hemingway is not concerned with the theme of gender equality, but rather with the greater themes of the inherent struggle of life and the inevitability of death. à The first images of struggle and death are seen in chapter 9 when Frederic is wounded. Up to this point in the story Hemingway had portrayed a very serene, pastoral setting and existence for the characters. It is here, though, that this comes crashing down. Hemingway is showing the horrors of war. War is not a glorious and colorful event; it is a dirty and base thing. This is the first hint that the romantic notions Frederic clings to might prove false. There is suggestion here that human existence is fairly tragic. à Hemingway shows many deaths as a result of the war. Passini, Rinaldi (who it is inferred died of syphilis), nameless officers, a sergeant, Aymo, and many others are casualties of the insane war. Their deaths are shown as casual, random events in the life of Frederic. Throughout the entire book Frederic seems to be trying to escape this death that is all around him and retreat once more to the serene existence he enjoys at the beginning of the book. This sets up what I believe to be the theme of the book: struggle is inherent in life and death is inevitable. à Another representative of death is Count Greffi towards the e... ...ainst Hemingway that charges he is a woman hater. Hemingway does not idealize Catherine out of some deep hatred of women. He does not subordinate her to show male dominance. In fact, I believe that Catherine is a minor factor in this book and is more of a tool used for thematic purposes. Hemingway uses her to show Frederic's inability to escape death. To use the ant metaphor (327-328), we are all ants on a log unknowingly running into the fire. And just when the log is tipped so we are away from the flames, just when we think that we are safe, someone tips us back in the fire and we die. Hemingway is showing that man's frantic struggles and his scurrying about are futile, we all die in the end. Also, as much as we may try, we cannot keep death out of our lives. à Works Cited Hemingway, Ernest A Farewell To Arms. Scribner Paperback Fiction: NY, 1995. Ã
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Expressions in Horror: Dr Caligari and Nosferatu Essay
Two of the earliest examples of German Expressionism in film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu are classics remembered as some of the best horror films of all time. These two films, directed by Robert Wiene and F. W. Murnau respectively, share several key aspects in common, while still retaining their own uniqueness that has left people debating which film is paramount, even nearly a century after their releases. This paper will examine these similarities and differences, and will seek address them in light of the German Expressionist movement they each resonate. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu both tell the story of a young German manââ¬â¢s subjection to the madness of a dark overlord with seemingly supernatural powers. In Caligari, a young man named Cesare, who is a somnambulist (or sleep walker) is controlled by the powers of a crazy doctor, who orders him to kill innocent victims. In Nosferatu, a young man named Thomas Harker is sent to sell property to Count Dracula, a vampire who comes to haunt his life and town after becoming obsessed with Hutterââ¬â¢s wife, Nina. Though while these films share some key components in common, no one could ever call the two films the same. Robert Wieneââ¬â¢s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is defined by the films stage-like quality, due mostly to the unique set it is shot on. An example of German Expressionism, the director creates a world of stark lines, sharp angles, darkness, and shadows bringing the viewer into a surreal world. Unnaturally angled houses line crooked cobblestone roads. Misshapen rooms contain demented furniture. Rooftops are acutely angled to the sides. It is radically warped scenery, and helps create a genuine expressionist set. F. W Murnauââ¬â¢s Nosferatu, however, is shot in real world environments, but employs shadows to make small rooms appear larger then life, adding suspense and a feel of supernaturalism to the movie. The Countââ¬â¢s castle perhaps best conveys the expressionistic form, with its gothic architecture and abundance of shadow. Or, better still, the Count himself embodies the expressionist form, with his exaggerated features. His ears, chin and teeth are all pointed, and his stature is unique, hunched and very thin of frame. His eyes, much like Wieneââ¬â¢s Cesare, are darkly shaded, and his nails are long giving him a distinctly monster like quality. Both films successfully impress a dark mood by exaggerating the filmââ¬â¢s dark aesthetic, drawing viewers into the mindscape of German Expressionism. The films also share in common a sleepwalking theme, and perhaps it was just Murnau paying homage to Wieneââ¬â¢s Caligari. Partway through Nosferatu, Harkerââ¬â¢s wife Nina is described as being in a sleepwalking trance, specifically calling it ââ¬Å"somnambulisticâ⬠. In fact, the character Nina looks surprisingly similar to how the character Jane looks in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. I donââ¬â¢t believe it is too extreme to suggest that perhaps Marnau played off certain motifs created by Wiene in wanting to create a horror film. However, Marnauââ¬â¢s depiction of Count Dracula is unsettling to this day, and many still believe that it remains the most terrifying portrayal of the character ever on film, perhaps only second to the iconic Dracula played by Bela Lugosi. Murnau certainly created his own sort of horror, so it could not be suggested Nosferatu is unoriginal. The use of shadows, especially when it comes to scenes involving the Count, create a horrifying imagine on the screen. While having never seen Nosferatu before deciding to write this paper, I immediately recognized a scene towards the end of the film, when the Count ascended a staircase to Ninaââ¬â¢s room. Perhaps one of the most iconic scenes of early horror films, you see the shadow of the Count as he makes his climb up the staircase, hunched form, long fingernails, offsetting movement and all. It is his shadow you see climbing the steps, never his actual form, which may possibly hint at a metaphor. The German Expressionist movement was born out of the anguish following the Great War and before the birth of Hilterââ¬â¢s Germany. Perhaps, as suggested by James Franklin in ââ¬Å"The Shadow in Early German Cinemaâ⬠, shadows acted as a sort of ââ¬Å"visual metaphor for evil or for the dark and threatening forces that allegedly lurked in the pre-Hitler German psyche or soulâ⬠. Both films use music to add suspense to the plot, however each film approaches itââ¬â¢s use in separate ways. Caligari is distinctively jazzy in nature, where as Nosferatu is more classical. Both films, however, create music that mirrors and changes with the action on the screen. In Nosferatu, music creates a terrifying feel to the movie, shaping the most horrific scenes remembered from the film. There are several instances throughout the film where silence is broken by a quite sound, almost like a heartbeat in the background, yet more off putting. While I am in no position to argue which film is the better, both have come to be the best examples of horror films to come out of this time period. Classic examples of German Expressionism at work, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu play with the presence of shadow, the distortion of nature, and the imaginations of audiences, even today.
Monday, January 6, 2020
`` A Good Man Is Hard And Find, Revelations, And ``...
In ââ¬Å"A good man is hard to findâ⬠, revelationsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Everything that rises must convergeâ⬠by Flannery Oââ¬â¢Connor clearly portray a theme of racism based on selfishness, pride and grace. All three main characters undergo a prophecy like moment that eventually leads to the loss of their dignity and selfish attitude and in turn they each achieve grace. This paper will provide a detailed analysis on how all three main characters go from being selfish to eventually self-analyzing themselves and in turn they mature and gain grace and change the way they view others. My investigation of these stories will show how each protagonist had to experience some form of tragedy in order to become self-aware of the way people perceive them. Oââ¬â¢Connor presents in these stories how each main character and also in reality people in life need to be brought to a tragic like moment in life that causes them to not continue in the ways they are accustomed to. Oââ¬â¢Connor takes her main characters through an epiphany in which therefore helps the characters to become aware of their own ignorance. The characters eventually gained knowledge or better yet became self-aware of their attitudes towards others through some form of an unexpected tragedy. Oââ¬â¢Connor wants her readers to see how no matter how much you try to cover or justify your ignorant ways whether it be through grace, judgment is still imminent. ââ¬Å"In A Good Man is Hard to Findâ⬠, Oââ¬â¢Connor reveals in this story both grace, redemption and pride. TheShow MoreRelatedComparative Analysis Of O Connor s Stories Essay1923 Words à |à 8 Pagesin the stories are wandering believers on journeys to find redemption. 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Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Edmonds, Ennis Barrington. Rastafari : from outcasts to culture bearers / Ennis Barrington Edmonds. p. cm. Includes
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